Animal Movie Review 2023: A Rich Protagonist with Poor Choices

Animal Movie Review: A Film that Misses the Mark

Animal Movie Review, This movie isn’t fun or meaningful. It’s like watching a teenager throw a tantrum.

Ranbir Kapoor’s Character: Vijay’s Struggle for Love

Ranbir Kapoor plays Ranvijay, a guy with all the riches but lacking his father’s love. Ignored by his mother, Vijay just wants to spend birthdays with his dad, Balbir. Despite Vijay’s violent actions, being super-rich shields him from any legal consequences. The law doesn’t apply in their world.

Animal Movie Review
Animal Movie Review

Flashbacks and Violence: The Story’s Odd Choices

The film unfolds through flashbacks, but it’s unclear why. The opening scene, set in 2056, has an older Ranbir narrating a weird monkey story. Much of the screenplay focuses on shock-value violence, sexism, and masculinity declarations. It screams “man’s world,” but it lacks the depth seen in other films.

Animal Movie Review
Animal Movie Review

Balbir’s Character: A Confused Persona

Anil Kapoor plays Balbir, a businessman too absorbed in his empire to care about his son’s troubles. While Kapoor excels in his role, Balbir’s character feels lost, oscillating between parental advice and silent approval of Vijay’s violent ways.

Animal Movie Review
Animal Movie Review

Animal’s Intent: A Provocative Twist

The movie aims to provoke by echoing Kabir Singh’s controversies. It challenges critics by tweaking commentary on misogyny. If you had issues with Kabir’s actions, Animal counters with its own version, attempting to stir the pot.

Misogyny Issues: A Complicated Narrative

The film’s misogyny is hard to dissect. Any critique risks being dismissed, with the movie providing counterarguments. It distracts from the broader issue of cinema glorifying brutal justice.

Animal Movie Review
Animal Movie Review

Lack of Story Arc: A Frustrating Journey

Animal lacks a coherent story arc. It’s a three-and-a-half-hour cultural commentary bait, sacrificing storytelling for flashy scenes. The rage-filled protagonist offers no internal growth from start to finish.

Unbelievable Realities: A Cinematic Disconnect

The film exists in an unrealistic realm, not fitting into a known reality or a fantastical Bollywood drama. The ultra-rich get away with murder, leaving loose ends and unexplored subplots.

Animal Movie Review
Animal Movie Review

Cultural Nuances: A Distorted Reflection

The film encourages viewing its protagonist as a modern Indian man. Background score pauses during a ritual, emphasizing cultural peculiarities like drinking cow urine. These moments feel forced and out of touch.

Bobby Deol’s Character: A Stereotypical Antagonist

The antagonist, played by Bobby Deol, follows clichés, adding violence and sexism for cheap laughs. The climactic fight, while unintentionally amusing, lacks substance.

Animal Movie Review
Animal Movie Review

Dull Despite Shock: A Tiresome Experience

Despite the gore and machismo, Animal is dreary. Even technical merits get lost in the overlong runtime. The treatment of women is deliberate bait, attempting to evoke a reaction.

Honest but Unengaging: A Film’s Deflate

Animal, despite its honesty, loses steam midway. The film struggles to hold attention, introducing half-baked narratives and sudden character changes that fail to resonate.

Predictable Reactions: Noise and Backlash

Expect varied reactions to reviews. Social media battles and fan armies will defend the film. The conversation around cinema in 2023 may focus on conforming to a manufactured status quo.

In conclusion, animals may make money, but their impact is more noise than substance. The film fails to engage beyond its mid-point, leaving audiences with a mixed bag of reactions.

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