Blasts in Iran: At Least 73 Killed in Terrorist Attack in Iran Blasts near Qassim Suleimani Tomb

Blasts in Iran: At Least 73 Killed in Terrorist Attack in Iran Blasts near Qassim Suleimani Tomb

In Iran, during a memorial ceremony marking four years since the US killed Qassem Suleimani, head of Iran’s Quds Force, two explosions shook the south-central city of Kerman. These blasts claimed the lives of at least 73 people and left around 170 injured.

A high-ranking official labeled the explosions as a “terroristic” attack, but did not provide details about the responsible party.

Eyewitnesses reported two explosions happening within a 10-minute span, while some accounts suggested a more intricate scenario involving four separate explosions, hinting at a sophisticated attack.

Babak Yektaparast, a spokesperson for Iran’s emergency service, confirmed the tragic toll: 73 people dead and 170 wounded. Initially, there was uncertainty about the cause—whether it was gas canisters or suicide bombers. Later investigations revealed that two remotely detonated bombs caused the explosions, leading authorities to classify the incident as an act of terrorism.

Blasts in Iran: At Least 73 Killed in Terrorist Attack in Iran Blasts
Blasts in Iran: At Least 73 Killed in Terrorist Attack in Iran Blasts

Blasts in Iran: At Least 73 Killed in Terrorist Attack in Iran Blasts

The blasts unfolded along the roads leading to Golzar Shohada, the Garden of Martyrs cemetery in Kerman. This cemetery is the final resting place of Suleimani and 1,024 others considered martyrs. It has become a pilgrimage site for supporters of the “axis of resistance” against the US and the West.

Qassem Suleimani met his end in a 2020 US drone strike in Baghdad. He was recognized as the leader guiding Iranian proxy forces in Iraq and Syria.

Blasts in Iran: At Least 73 Killed in Terrorist Attack in Iran Blasts near Qassim Suleimani Tomb

A rare occurrence took place in Iran, involving a suicide attack. It’s unclear whether the attack was carried out by a domestic group or one directed by Israel.

Not long ago, Iran claimed to have eliminated a group supported by Mossad, Israel’s secret service.

On December 25th, an Israeli airstrike in Syria resulted in the death of a high-ranking official from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). In response, Tehran warned that Israel would undoubtedly face consequences.

The Iranian state media identified the deceased as Razi Mousavi, a senior adviser of the Quds Force, killed in an airstrike near Damascus, Syria.

Israel has a history of targeted assassinations, especially of nuclear scientists linked to Iran’s nuclear program.

Hospitals in Kerman and nearby areas are on high alert to attend to any injured individuals.

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