Dick Van Dyke and Arlene Silver’s Love Story 2024

Love is Ageless for Dick Van Dyke wife Arlene Silver

Dick Van Dyke and his wife Arlene Silver

Dick Van Dyke, at 98, and Dick Van Dyke wife Arlene Silver, at 52, are happily celebrating nearly seven years of marriage. According to Van Dyke, marrying Silver in February 2012 was one of the smartest decisions he ever made. Humorously, he points out the balance in their maturity levels, saying, “She’s very mature for her age, and I’m very immature for my age, so it’s just about right!” as he shared with Parade in 2013.

Arlene Silver, working as a makeup artist at the SAG Awards eight years ago, first encountered Dick Van Dyke. She remembers seeing him at the catering table, wearing a bow tie and a big smile. Their initial meeting involved Dick introducing himself, and Arlene’s first question was, “Weren’t you in Mary Poppins?”

While they quickly became friends, the transition to a romantic relationship took time. Arlene didn’t immediately realize the depth of their connection. Being considerate due to Dick’s popularity, she would casually plan dinner visits after work, not wanting to intrude. To her surprise, Dick eagerly anticipated these moments, looking forward to her company throughout the day.

Dick Van Dyke and Dick Van Dyke wife Arlene Silver

Recalling the turning point in their relationship, Arlene said, “We were working together on a movie during a night shoot, and he was his usual laughing self. However, there was something about the way he was lit, maybe the sweater he was wearing—I thought, ‘Wait a minute!’ I just felt a little different.”

Despite the significant 46-year age gap, Silver emphasized that it hasn’t posed challenges. She sees her husband as young at heart, describing him as a source of fun and emphasizing his immaturity positively, like the wonder of a child. According to her, they both share a youthful spirit, feeling like they’re enjoying a second childhood together.

In an interview, she revealed they were working on a show about their marriage and domestic life. It’s not a typical reality show, but rather, they occasionally allow camera crews to capture glimpses of their life at home.

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