Natalia Speaks 2024: Natalia Grace Case Most shocking accusations

Natalia Speaks 2024: Natalia Grace Case Most shocking accusations

“The Intriguing Tale of Natalia Grace” delves into the life of Natalia, a Ukrainian girl with dwarfism adopted by a couple in the US. Once under the care of Michael and Kristine Barnett, Natalia faced a surprising twist when the couple alleged that she was, in fact, an undercover adult. To solidify this claim, they legally altered her age.

Subsequently, Natalia found herself relocated to different apartments, compelled to live independently. The Barnetts were later charged with neglecting Natalia, acknowledging her dependency due to her disability, regardless of her documented age.

Natalia Speaks 2024: Natalia Grace Case

Presently, Natalia is breaking her silence, recounting her ordeal with the Barnetts. In the second segment of “The Intriguing Tale of Natalia Grace” titled “Natalia Speaks,” she points fingers at her former adoptive parents, accusing them of mistreatment and negligence.

Let’s explore seven of the most startling revelations and accusations unveiled in “The Intriguing Tale of Natalia Grace: Natalia Speaks.”

Natalia Speaks 2024: Episode One

In the initial “Natalia Speaks” episode, Natalia reveals a childhood memory where Kristine used pepper spray as a scare tactic.

Natalia recalls Kristine warning her, “If you mess up, I’ll use pepper spray on you,” and instructing her to endure it with open eyes before spraying.

Natalia shares, “I had to sit there for about ten minutes until I could finally wash it off. It still hurt afterward, but she didn’t seem to care.”

Natalia’s Age Revelation

In the first episode’s finale, Natalia and her guardian, Bishop Antwon Mans, reached out to TruDiagnostic to figure out how old Natalia really was using a sample of her blood. When they got the results at the lab, TruDiagnostic suggested that Natalia’s biological age was more like 22.

At that moment, Natalia thought she was around 20 years old. But, due to some changes made by the Barnetts, her legal age seemed closer to 33, even though her actual birth year was switched from 2003 to 1989.

Michael’s Revelations in a Chat with Natalia Speaks

During a talk with Natalia, as seen in the documentary series, Michael discloses that he, too, fell victim to manipulation from his then-wife, Kristine.

“I felt really restricted, constantly belittled, and faced threats,” Michael shares with Natalia. “Everything about me was taken away, and I was guided to become exactly what she wanted.”

Michael explains that Kristine went as far as threatening to separate him from their three sons. He confides in Natalia, revealing that he made at least 10 attempts to break away from Kristine.

Natalia’s Experience with Menstruation

In the third episode, Natalia shares that Kristine tried to make her believe she started having periods when she was only 7.

According to Natalia, Kristine literally told her, “You’ve started your period,” and then made her use a tampon. Natalia recalls expressing her inability to do so and feeling pain. Upon removing the tampon, there was blood on it, which Kristine used as evidence that Natalia was menstruating.

“I couldn’t say anything,” Natalia reveals. “It hurt a lot, and I was scared.”

Natalia Speaks 2024: Episode Three

In the third episode of “Natalia Speaks,” Natalia reveals that she was forced to lie about her age. She explains that Kristine, her adoptive parent, coerced her into spreading false information.

When Natalia tried to resist Kristine’s demand to lie about her age and revealed that she was still a child, Kristine turned violent. Tearfully, Natalia recalls how Kristine used a belt to hit her wherever she could. Despite Natalia’s attempts to move, Kristine insisted on her staying still and intensified the physical abuse.

Expressing her confusion, Natalia questions why her adoptive parents, who were supposed to love and care for her, ended up causing her harm. She mentions that Michael, her adoptive father, remained silent and merely watched the distressing events unfold.

The episode then shifts to a courtroom video featuring Michael’s deposition. In the video, Michael admits that Kristine used her hands and arms to harm Natalia, and he, regrettably, did nothing but observe. An Indiana law enforcement official involved in Natalia’s case also confirms that Michael witnessed Natalia being subjected to abuse as a child.

Different Stories about the Coffee Mug Incident

Both the Barnetts and Natalia have different stories about how wood cleaner ended up in Kristine’s coffee mug. The Barnetts accused Natalia before of intentionally putting cleaner in Kristine’s coffee to harm her, as Michael mentioned in the first part of the docuseries. But now, Natalia is saying something else.

Natalia explains that she was just helping Kristine clean when this happened.

“While I was wiping the table, Kristine came back and said, ‘What did you spray in my coffee?’ I said, ‘Nothing,'” Natalia remembers. She adds, “She poured the coffee out, filled it again, and then got her camera and made me do it.”

Natalia claims that Kristine physically forced her to spray cleaner into Kristine’s coffee mug while recording a video.

“I think Kristine tried to make that video to show ‘proof’ that I did something I didn’t do,” Natalia states. “She set up the whole thing. I’m not crazy, and I didn’t try to poison her.”

Natalia Speaks 2024: Episode Five

In the last part of episode five, Natalia talks about a memory from when she was just seven years old. She shares that Kristine, her caretaker, once called her into the kitchen to cut her hair and apply makeup.

Natalia explains that, even though she agreed, she was puzzled about why she needed to look different than usual. According to Natalia, Kristine’s reason was that she wanted Natalia to appear more grown-up.

“While putting on the makeup, she told me outright: ‘This is how adults look. When kids use makeup, they end up looking like clowns,'” Natalia recalls.

Later, Natalia accuses Kristine of attempting to arrange a date for her with a much older man.

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